Concerned about breastfeeding issues? Check out advice from Viviana Ellis MD
When Viviana Ellis MD talks to patients about nursing, many of them have concerns about breastfeeding issues. New moms tend to worry about everything from their milk supply to sore, cracked nipples. Our San Antonio OBGYN is also a mother, so she understands the stresses and problems that sometimes accompany nursing. Dr. Ellis uses her expertise to empathetically guide moms through breastfeeding their babies.
Viviana Ellis MD answers questions about breastfeeding issues
Many mothers are afraid to ask questions about breastfeeding issues because they think they should “know it all” instinctively. There is never any judgment with Viviana Ellis MD. She strives to help mothers work through any problems they have while nursing, never adding to their anxiety. Her advice to moms? “Be kind to yourself. Things may not be perfect right away.”
Solutions for some common problems that nursing moms encounter
Here’s some guidance from Dr. Ellis about some of the most common breastfeeding issues.
Not having any breast milk right after giving birth. Dr. Ellis notes that many women worry if their milk doesn’t come in right away. However, it often doesn’t come in until two to four days after babies are born. In the meantime, moms produce colostrum, a super nutritious substance that keeps babies’ tiny tummies full and nourished.
Problems with milk supply. Many mothers worry that they are producing too little or too much milk. If this happens, women should talk to our San Antonio OBGYN. She can teach them how to pump or hand express milk to help with the problem. For women with too little breastmilk, pumping stimulates the breasts to produce more milk. Those who have too much milk may need longer intervals between breast stimulation, but they still need to empty the breast to avoid engorgement, clogged ducts and mastitis.
Sore, cracked nipples. Mothers should always talk to their physician if they have pain when babies latch on or if they have sore or cracked nipples. Dr. Ellis helps women find solutions such as ointments or nipple shields. The baby’s latch can also be evaluated.
Asking questions about nursing benefits mothers and babies
Viviana Ellis MD wants mothers to know that they should never be ashamed or embarrassed to ask for help. She works hard to give nursing moms less stress and more support. Her philosophy is, “There are many ways to make breastfeeding work, and women should do what is right for themselves and their family.” Contact us to make an appointment with our San Antonio OBGYN.