Legacy Women's Health


The emotional impact of fibroids on women can be dramatic

Our San Antonio fibroid specialists have resources for women with fibroids to care for your physical, emotional and mental well-being.The emotional impact of fibroids is significant. Uterine fibroids have been associated with mood swings, anxiety and depression. Our San Antonio fibroid specialists encourage women with fibroids to understand all of the effects of their condition; pay attention to their symptoms; and proactively care for their physical, mental and emotional health.

Why is the emotional impact of fibroids so strong?

There are many factors that contribute to the strong emotions and varying moods of women with fibroids.

  • Ongoing pain. Women often experience pain with fibroids that affects their day-to-day lives.
  • Hormone fluctuations. The changes in estrogen and testosterone levels during fibroid growth can create mood swings.
  • Sleep disruption. Pain, hormone changes and bleeding can all interfere with a good night’s sleep.
  • Uncontrolled bleeding. Heavy or unpredictable bleeding can affect a woman’s daily routine, work and personal life.
  • Anemia caused by bleeding. Low red blood count due to blood loss can cause fatigue.
  • Concerns about infertility. Fibroids can affect a woman’s fertility. The added stress of infertility affects a woman’s emotions.
  • Worry about recurrence after treatment. The relief of treatment can be short-lived, if there are fears of fibroid recurrence.
  • Impact on sex life. Bleeding or pain during sex can interfere with a woman’s sex life.
  • Body image issues. Fibroids can cause frustrating bloating and weight gain, which can result in body image issues for women.
  • Isolation. Not wanting to talk about a sensitive, personal issue can cause women to feel alone.

Cyclical effect for women with fibroids and infertility

Infertility can compound the emotional impact of fibroids.

The complications and unpredictability of fibroids creates stress for women. Infertility and the process of trying to become pregnant also can be stressful. Unfortunately, the stress of infertility can exacerbate fibroid symptoms, leading to a difficult cycle for those experiencing it.

Thankfully, our San Antonio fibroid specialists have effective treatments for women suffering from the symptoms of fibroids, and can often restore a woman’s ability to become pregnant.

Help is available to manage the physical and emotional impact of fibroids

So how do women with fibroids manage all the emotional and mental effects?

Take the best possible care of your physical health. Follow your physician’s advice, pay attention to your symptoms, and seek out fibroid treatment, if you are not already.

If the effects of uterine fibroids are affecting your mental or emotional health, find professional support. Therapy can help women with the emotional and mental challenges of fibroids. Also, support groups are a great opportunity to relate to other women who understand your experiences.

Finally, prioritizing exercise, quality sleep and a healthy diet boosts mental and emotional health.

Our San Antonio fibroid specialists have resources for women with fibroids to care for your physical, emotional and mental well-being. Contact Legacy Women’s Health for an appointment to get help with the physical and emotional impact of fibroids.