Legacy Women's Health


The Importance of an Annual Well-Woman Exam

The importance of an annual well women exam.

Now that you no longer need an annual Pap test, you may be wondering if you still need an annual well-woman exam. Our San Antonio OBGYNs want you to know that the answer is a resounding “Yes!” Your yearly appointment with our physicians involves so much more than cervical cancer screening, and everything we do at that appointment helps keep you healthy and strong at every age.

Preventive healthcare starts with an annual visit to our San Antonio OBGYNs

When you see our physicians each year, you not only help prevent reproductive health issues, you also help avert general physical and mental health problems. We cover several areas during your appointment.

  • Heart health
  • Nutrition, including weight loss or gain
  • Exercise
  • Vaccines
  • Smoking, alcohol and drug use
  • Mental health issues, including stress, anxiety and depression
  • Safety issues, such as domestic and dating violence
  • Reproductive health issues

Our OBGYNs go over your family and medical history, and recommend necessary tests and preventive screenings. This preventive healthcare visit is also a perfect time to establish a rapport with your physician, so you can develop a relationship that makes you feel comfortable talking with your OBGYN about the most intimate subjects.

Your annual well-woman exam is the ideal time to address reproductive health issues

Of course, our San Antonio OBGYNs discuss your reproductive health and do a breast and pelvic examination during your visit. If you are due for cervical cancer screening, they may perform HPV testing, a Pap test or both, depending on your age and medical history.

Your yearly appointment isn’t just about examinations and tests; it’s also about talking and asking questions. You can discuss the following subjects – and more – with your physician.

  • Birth control options
  • Sexual health and wellness
  • Hormones
  • Perimenopause and menopause
  • Sexually transmitted infections and diseases
  • Pregnancy planning
  • Fertility problems
  • Mammograms
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Pelvic pain
  • Urinary incontinence issues

Annual wellness helps you get to and maintain your optimal health

When you schedule your annual well-woman exam, you are scheduling more than a pelvic exam. You are reserving time for yourself and our San Antonio OBGYNs to delve into your general and reproductive health and well-being. This is a time to address your concerns and get to know your physician. Contact us to schedule your preventive healthcare appointment.